The Museum is closed for the 2024 season
The LGHA hosted over 8,000 visitors in 2024
Thanks to everyone who visited!
See you in 2025
Grant Awards
December, 2019: Alfred Z. Solomon Charitable Foundation Trust
The Alfred Z Solomon Foundation in Saratoga Springs has awarded the Lake George Historical Association a grant of $15,850. This generous funding will go towards retrofitting gallery and archive room windows
and the purchase and installation of data monitors leading to more complete museum climate control.
The LGHA partners with the Town of Lake George, Dan Barusch head of Planning and Zoning, and Jim Martino head of buildings and grounds who will complete the above installations in partnership with Alex
Parrott and the LGHA Board. The town previously under Martino’s direction and a 2015 Solomon grant retrofitted the entire museum flooring to its original state and received an AARCH award for area preservation.
The Town supports the historic building’s long range needs for clean heating and cooling infrastructure while, as a "Climate Smart Community" municipality, it is keenly focused on upgrading its buildings in line with NYS Green Infrastructure Standards.
The Solomon grant provides a major step in sealing up leaks in the museum building by retrofitting the windows. Ultraviolet protection will also be included in the retrofit which addresses archival collection
best practices.
May, 2019: Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership Collections Grant
The Lake George Historical Association is pleased to announce that it has received a 2020 Inventory Collections grant from the Lake Champlain Basin Program, Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership in the amount of $7500.
Goals of this grant to be implemented in late 2019 and throughout 2020 include:
· Expanded off season staff capacity to continue with comprehensive inventory notation, accessioning, artifact and archival identification and tagging and development of a database of museum artifacts.
· Select appraisal of several rare items and evaluation for conservation and exhibition display priorities.
· Cooperation with the Town of Lake George to install green infrastructure retrofits and to create a long-term plan for climate control.
· Creation of volunteer/intern infrastructure of individuals interested in learning about: museum systems, the inventory process for the collections of photos, newspapers, postcards, journals, and scrapbooks, delivering power point talks, and artifact identification and tagging techniques.